Sleeping Naked: Is it Healthier? Bras, Socks, Pajamas?03:07


So, we’ve all heard the rumors: sleeping naked is the way to go! But why? Is there actual science backing it up? Might your favorite fuzzy pajamas and cozy socks be the reason you’re tossing and turning all night long?

Today, we’re going to unpack the science behind sleep. And: spoiler alert! When you’re done reading, you might find yourself excited to strip down and sleep naked, for your healthiest night of sleep yet!

Is it healthy to sleep naked?

Believe it or not, science proves that sleeping naked is in fact healthier in all senses of the word. Meaning your physical, mental, and emotional health can all benefit from this one simple adjustment to your nightly routine. Keep reading for the 3 top reasons why:

1) Cooler Temperatures = Better Circulation and Better Sleep

Whether you want to hear it or not, the human body sleeps more soundly in cooler temperatures. Sleep experts have proven that the warmer your body temperature, the more awake your brain’s neural pathways are, and therefore, the less restful night sleep you get.

So the quickest suggestion to lower your body temperature? Sleep naked!

And why else is sleeping naked the way to go? Well, not only will you sleep more soundly, since your REM cycles will remain uninterrupted at cooler temperatures, but you’ll also fall asleep faster! With improved body circulation, your skin gets a chance to breathe and doesn’t have to work so hard to regulate your body temperature – so there you have it, sleeping naked really does let you fall asleep better AND faster!

2) Better Circulation = A Healthier Body

Did you know clothing can trap harmful bacterias that can cause unsightly skin issues i.e. acne, or even bacterial infections like yeast infections? It’s true! And yet another reason why science recommends that for the health of your entire body, and most specifically your private parts, you should sleep in the nude!

If you’re a female, this gives your area a chance to air out from possible infection causing bacteria…and males, the less pressure and warmth on your area the better, as far as sperm count is concerned anyway.

3) Nude Sleep = High Self-Esteem

Studies also show that sleeping in the nude can better your mental and emotional health. How? Well, the more time you spend in the nude, the more comfortable you become in your own skin, boosting your confidence and self-esteem. And also, if you happen to sleep snuggled up next to a partner, skin to skin contact will increase your levels of oxytocin, or the positive “happy” hormone that can boost your immune system and lower your heart rate and blood pressure.

So yeah…sleeping naked is kind of a cure all!

What clothing is best for sleeping?

If you’re still not team #SleepNaked, we get it. Everyone has a different living situation and level of comfortability, but you can still take a few notes from our sleeping naked play book when selecting your pajamas tonight, to ensure the healthiest night of deep sleep possible.

1) The Looser the Clothing, The Better!

One thing to keep in mind, is that pajamas should be loose fitting. Anything too tight to the skin can restrict blood flow, raise your body temperature, or irritate the skin, all things that we already discussed, are bad for your sleep health. Additionally, undergarments should especially be loose fitting, if worn at all, to maximize the benefits of circulation and minimize possible infection rates.

2) Pajamas Should be Light and Airy!

When selecting your clothing for sleep, remember: the cooler the better. A thin linen or easily ventilated satin or silk is a much better option than cotton, which can hold onto heat, sweat, and bacteria. And this holds true for the material of your bedding as well, but we’ll get into that in more detail later on.

3) But what about socks and bras?

Ok, so we talked about underwear…but what about other undergarments in terms of sleep health? Believe it or not, when it comes to socks, sleep experts say wearing wool or cashmere socks can improve blood circulation and therefore sleep. Wearing socks of a breathable fabric, aka: not cotton, can actually allow your feet to release body heat which you guessed it, improves the quality of your night’s sleep! Just make sure the socks you’re choosing are clean and not too tight!

And what about bras? Studies show that sleeping with a bra on is really just a matter of personal preference. While it won’t prevent sagging or breast growth, some ladies find it more comfortable to sleep with a bra on. And so, if that sounds like you, all the power to you! Just make sure it’s not restrictive; instead opt for a nighttime bra that doesn’t have underwire or a band that might irritate your skin or leave marks.

Disadvantages of Sleeping Naked

So we definitely have sung our praises about sleeping nude for a healthier night’s rest…but are there any drawbacks? Sleep experts have a few, and of course, it’s up to you to decide if the pros of sleeping naked outweigh the cons.

1) Privacy Invasion

The best case scenario if you’re considering sleep naked is that you live alone or with a significant other who’s cool with seeing you naked. But of course, that’s not always the case. Roommates, siblings, children, or parents can of course come into play, and if that’s your type of living situation, than perhaps sleeping in the nude can feel more embarrassing than beneficial.

2) Excessive Laundry

“If you’re sleeping naked, how are you making MORE laundry for yourself?” we already hear you asking. Well, because you have no clothing barrier to catch odors, sweat, or other bodily fluids, your sheets can get a little bit stinkier a little bit faster. Therefore, if you decide to start sleeping naked, you might want to invest in more sets of fitted sheets, or get used to a more frequent bedding wash cycle!

3) Too Cold

Ok, ok, so we spent the first half of the article telling you that a lower body temperature leads to healthier sleep…but of course, there’s such a thing as too low of a body temperature! If sleeping naked means you have to run the risk of shivering all night, then by all means, keep your pajamas on! You’re much more likely to get a good night’s sleep when your body’s not fighting extreme temperatures.

4) Emergency Situations

Not that they happen often, but it is true that once in a blue moon, you may have to jet out of bed mid-sleep cycle to handle a crisis. Whether it’s a fire, flood, intruder, or otherwise, your response time will be affected if you’ve got to worry about getting dressed first.

Additional Ways to Sleep More Comfortably

Don’t worry, sleeping naked is not the only answer for deep sleep! Here are some other tips and suggestions from sleep experts to improve your nighttime rest!

1) Mattress and Mattress Toppers

It’s simple really: a high quality mattress = a high quality night’s sleep. But of course we understand that not everyone is in the market for a brand new mattress at the moment, so if you’re not, don’t sweat it! You’re not out of luck.

Mattress toppers are also a great, cheaper alternative for adding comfort to your bed. Or, a free mattress hack? Rotate and flip your mattress! This should be done every 3 months to keep the wear on your mattress even and your sleep consistent!

2) Pillows and Weighted Blankets

You’ve seen the informercials, and to be honest, they do bear some truth: the right pillow and blanket can really turn your night of sleep around! When it comes to pillows, the first step to shopping success is ensuring you’re buying the pillow that matches your sleeper style: side, stomach, or back. This ensures your neck is aligned with your spine while you sleep!

And another research-proven product to improve your sleep? Weighted blankets! These are found to be super helpful for those with arthritis, chronic pain, autism, ADHD, anxiety, and insomnia.

3) The Right Sheets

Many sleepers have been donned as “sweaty sleepers,” and if that’s you, listen up! Not only would you benefit from sleeping naked, but swapping out your current sheets for more breathable fabric is a great idea too! Consider sheets made of percale, linen, sateen, or bamboo fiber. Sleep experts say gone are the days where thread count matters, these days fabric type should be your number one consideration when selecting new sheets!

And Remember, Measurement is the Key to Sleep Success

As much as we would like to tell you that sleeping naked or buying a certain type of sheet is your deep sleep solution, the truth is, everyone is different. So how can you make sure your nighttime routine is setting you up for sleep success? Monitor your sleep!

To do this, sleep experts recommend using a sleep tracker, which these days can either be purchased as a separate product, or found as an application in most wearable fitness technologies like the newest models of the FitBit or Apple Watch. These trackers will give you a sleep score, so you can note what sleep factors bring you the best sleep.

Try one week sleeping naked, and the next week in your favorite breathable pajamas. Compare your sleep scores, and time in deep sleep, or REM sleep, to figure out how you sleep best. You can even test out one-by-one how other factors affect your sleep score too, like diet, pillow types, and sleeping positions!

Wrapping Up…

We hope this sleeping naked guide was more than just amusing, but educational too! There are many health benefits to sleeping naked, but as we said, everyone is in a different living circumstance with different sleep preferences. So your best bet to ensure deep sleep is to invest in a sleep tracker and test out what works for you!

Are you #TeamSleepNaked or a pajama diehard? Let us know in the comments below! We can’t wait to hear from you!

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